It's that time of year where we start seeing the other black and yellow item running around the town, the school bus. As a more recent newly SAHM, I am looking forward to school starting for both of my kiddos. Bennett started kindergarten full time last week and Brayden will be starting Early Childhood tomorrow. For Bennett, he was super excited to go and is my social butterfly of the two kiddos. The only thing I worry about with him is going #2 and wiping. We struggle with that at home and I spoke with the principal this morning so we have a plan in place. I had tried to set up the IEP meeting prior to school starting as this is the first time he will have one in place, however they wanted to wait and see how he does since he's new to them. I agree with this because maybe he won't need too much assistance? As his mom I know he will struggle so I'm eager to get this into place.
I worry the most about Brayden. It's 4 days a week for only 2 hours, but as many know, a LOT can go wrong in 2 hours. I know he will be in good hands, I also know that he's my baby and I am his safe person. He always comes to me during meltdowns so I'm nervous as well.
Bennett: Age 5 Brayden: Age 3
I'm sure I'm not the only parent who is nervous about school and how the kiddos will do. One of my close friends messaged me last night stating her son asked her about a child in his class who is on the spectrum because the child was removed from the classroom by their helper for part of the class. She messaged me how she explained it to him and she did an amazing job. As I told her, the biggest thing is to be inclusive. It's truly not any different than speaking different languages or being of a different skin color or hair color. Their brains just process things differently. I found an excellent YouTube video for her to show her kiddos on what Autism Spectrum Disorder is and I really liked how it was like a story to read to children. I've shared the link below for you. I also know there are a LOT of books out there too that explain it to other children as well and I've listed some of those below too.
A Different Kind of Brilliant
* A Day with No Words by Tiffany Hammond
* When My Brain is Messy by Tania Wieclaw
* Leo and the Octopus by Isabelle Marinov
* Masterpiece by Alexandra Hoffman
*Benji, the Bad Day, and Me by Sally J. Pla